Is Pool Water Harming Your Child’s Teeth?
Now here’s a question you’ve perhaps never asked yourself before. Can swimming regularly in a chlorinated pool damage your teeth?...

How to Prevent and Treat Weak Tooth Enamel in Children
At its thickest, the average person’s tooth enamel is a mere half-millimeter wider than a Susan B. Anthony dollar. Yet, despite its...

The Perfect Road Map For Your Child’s Oral Health
On July 3rd, 1806, two years into their journey to chart the unchartered west of America, pioneer explorers Meriwether Lewis and William...

Active Kids, Healthy Teeth
Summertime means more accidents. Do you know what to do in the event of your child chipping or knocking out a tooth? We have created a...

10 Ways Your Kids Are Wrecking Their Teeth
“Take care of your teeth, and they’ll last a lifetime.” Sometimes, though, our habits get the best of us – and our teeth – and those...

Understanding the Five Stages of Tooth Decay
Did you know there are five distinct stages of tooth decay? And, that in the first stage of decay, you can actually take steps to reverse...

Three Kid-Friendly Summer Tips as We Tip Closer to The Sun!
June 21st marks the day when, with a little tilt of the earth’s semi-axis, the earth leans a wee bit closer to the sun and ushers in …...

Teach Me How to Brushy: 6 Toddler Training Tips
Getting kids to brush their teeth is one of those initial standoffs you're going to experience with your children. Children are...

Toddler Thumbsucking: A Few Things to Know
Stress. Have you ever imagined a world where instead of snacking on candy, or grabbing a drink after work, everyone would just suck their...

Get Your Child's Mouth Vacation-Ready
Summer is about to burst on the scene. And with it, your "free time" will turn to "busy time" as you plan, plan, plan for your relaxing...